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Massage Therapy and Body Work

Dr. Lexi sprinkles techniques from Thai Massage and Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage into all her sessions. Thai massage is awesome

for the feet and sports massage. Lomi-Lomi is a great technique for the relaxing-meditative sessions.

Types of Massage

Relaxing, Meditative

This is a wonderful way to simply relax and heal. Sometimes this is exactly what the body needs when you are stressed to the max and your nerves are frayed. Post traumatic events, grief, and extreme stress are examples of when the body needs to be nurtured.

Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue does not mean to "push harder" on the muscles. Yes, there are trigger points that we can push down on, but this is about being able to work "deeper" tissues by moving the join around, doing a technique called "pin-and-stretch", and working deep muscles like the Psoas and QL (aka low back muscles that seem impossible to stretch or get to.)


This massage provides stretching and either pre- or post- event techniques. Pre-event, you want to wake up the muscles. The massage technique is faster with more active stretching. Post event technique are slower, the stretching is mostly passive, and intended to promote healing of the tissue.

Dr. Lexi's Massage Experience and Bio

After graduating high school, Dr. Lexi did a summer intensive massage therapy program so that she could be a Licensed Massage Therapist throughout college. She offered in-home massages and did "massage parties" for over 10 years. While studying Naturopathic Medicine, she worked at Bastyr University, a Chiropractic office, and Massage Heights in Bellevue, Washington.


When Dr. Lexi moved to North Carolina, she decided to let her massage license go so that she could focus primarily on Naturopathic Medicine. Fast forward to the turbulent economic times post pandemic where stress and anxiety are extremely high. People need to relax and destress to the max immediately. For this reason, Dr. Lexi decided to reactivate her massage license and offer "in-home massages" again.

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