Summit Vitality's Privacy Policy
Your privacy is important to us but some tracking does need to occur to better understand how to reach more people like you who need naturopathic medicine, who are actively seeking alternatives, and those who are starving for a change.
We do NOT sell or share any of your information to third party companies.
Summit Vitality does track the amount of time you spend on our website, where you click on our site specifically, and how you found us. For example, we will see if you came to our site from a google search or Facebook link. This simply helps to know what is working and what isn't in regards to reaching more people and ultimately helping people to healthier lives.
Your information goes into Summit Vitality's Customer Relationship Management Platform (ZOHO), meaning you will receive educational material, updates in Summit Vitality, and the occasional inspiring story. You can always unsubscribe at any time.
If you become a practice member, your information will fall under HIPPA Laws and we will provide forms to you.
Should you get involved in closed groups, on social media, and other public platforms that affiliated with Summit Vitality, Summit Vitality is NOT responsible for what you disclose.