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Seed Cycling-Moon Cycling for Hormones

Did you know the moon has about a 29 day cycle? Sound familiar? Well to women it might be all too familiar because she goes through her cycle about 28/29 days every month for years of her life. The problem is that many young women's cycles are being controlled by birth control pills, some even suppressing the period for months. As a Naturopath, we believe in following, respecting, and nurturing what is naturally occurring within us and around us. We follow nature's laws whenever possible and the goal of the Naturopathic doctor isn't to suppress, but to get back to homeostasis.

One of the ways we help a women get more regular in her cycle is the use of seeds, fish oil, evening primrose oil, and yes...sometimes...following and observing the moon.

Phase one of the lunar cycle starts on Day 1 of your period. During this time you are focusing on Omega 3 fatty acids, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Your serving size is about 2 tablespoons of each. Then, once you hit ovulation or about day 15, you will either be entering the new moon or full moon. You will then switch to an Omega 6 dominant phase with Evening Primrose Oil, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. Again the serving size is 2 tablespoons of each daily.

I always advise my young women to take mason jars and just put either Day1 - Day 15 and Day 15-Day 1 or New Moon and Full Moon...whichever she prefers to follow. Then she can add the seeds to yogurt, apple sauce, salads, soups, and even stir-frys. The nuts and seeds provide a nice flavor and crunch to your dish as well.

Pay attention to the moon as well. No, this isn't some Ya-Ya Sisterhood, dance around the campfire kind of recommendation. The intention is to support her hormone production with the use of Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 Fatty Acids.

This can really help a women's cycle balance out and yes, some of my patients do get pregnant.

So, next time you observe the beautiful starry night with a full brilliant moon, take note that you are a part of the circadian rhythms of life.

Dr. Lexi


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